Cathay Pacific HKYAA
Flying Scholarship Programme

HKYAA offers its students a chance to achieve their aviation dreams with its Cathay Pacific HKYAA Flying Scholarship Programme .The scholarship gives students the opportunity to practically apply what they have gained through the yearlong training with HKYAA.
The programme aims to give youth a practical understanding of aviation and inspire them to enter careers in the technical fields of aviation.
There are two streams of the scholarship programme: Power and Glider.
The power scholarship course includes 10 hours flight training in a small piston-powered aircraft. Training takes place overseas.
Some of the students are able to use the opportunity of the course to achieve “solo” status. Flying solo means after a certain level of flight training the student has reached a level of proficiency and deemed suitable to be the pilot in command of the aircraft with no instructor on board.
The glider scholarship programme will include 10 hours flight training in glider. Training takes place overseas. The full license course includes a mix of dual (with instructor) and solo (student only) flights.
Both scholarship programme allows students to experience and understand the impact that other aviation professions, like engineering, aircraft maintenance and air traffic control, have on flight safety. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to explore different areas of aviation in addition to flying.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is eligible?
Graduated students of Cathay Pacific HKYAA Annual Aviation Programme.
How much will I have to pay?
HKYAA covers the majority of the cost of the scholarship and includes flight training, air ticket, accommodation and basic transportation cost. Students will need to pay a small amount for food, licensing and medical fees and other leisure expenses.
How will candidates be assessed?
Candidates will be assessed on their performance in Cathay Pacific HKYAA Annual Aviation Programme, including academic and attendance.
When does flight training start?
The course starts in the summer of each year.
What are the medical requirements?
There are no specific medical requirements for flight training with an instructor. However, there is a requirement to obtain an aviation medical certificate if the student wishes to achieve first solo (flight with no instructor) or further licenses.
Can I wear glasses?
Prescription glasses are allowed.

Cyril Li
Graduate of 2012 course
The scholarship was a very precious opportunity for us to further explore and understand our capability. The flying experience greatly boosted my confidence in flying and pursuing a flying career. This is an unforgettable first time.

Kristal Wong
Graduate of 2012 course
I am so glad to receive the scholarship and really appreciate the offer from HKYAA. Before we went to UK for this scholarship, HKYAA instructor had already communicate with Stapleford Flight Centre on the objective and targets on the scholarship to get the course united.

Bryan Tsui
Graduate of 2012 course
The HKYAA flying exploration trip absolutely reinforces of my love toward flying, especially flying solo gave me such an unforgettable experience and boost in confidence. Now I’m even more determined in pursuing my goal to become a professional pilot.