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Aviation Exploration Day by HKYAA


Aviation Exploration Day by HKYAA 

📅Date: 27/7 or 3/8 or 11/8

💸Fee: Free of charge

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Target Participants: Secondary 4 - 6 student

📅日期: 27/7 或 3/8 或 11/8

💸費用: 免費

🧑‍🤝‍🧑參加對象: 中四 - 中六學生 

27/7 (Sat)

3/8 (Sat)

11/8 (Sun)

🚀Details: This will be a Full day activity hosted by current airline pilots. Morning session will cover Aviation Lectures and hands-on simulator experience in HKYAA Mong Kok centre. Transportation will be provided to and from Mongkok to Cathay City to start the afternoon session with Cathay City visits followed up by group exercise and career sharing. 

To apply, please visit the Education Bureau Website or ask one of your school teacher:

🚀詳情: 航空探索日所有活動由現役民航機師帶領. 早上時段會在香港青年航空學會旺角會址進行航空課堂講解和使用飛行模擬器. 下午時段會乘搭專車前往國泰城進行參觀,小組訓練和職業分享.     


申請詳情, 請瀏覽教育局「商校合作計劃」網頁 或 向學校老師查詢  

香港青年航空學會是教育局 「商校合作計劃」主辦機構之一 

The Hong Kong Youth Aviation Academy is one of the organisers of the Business School Partnership Program in collaboration with the Education Bureau.



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